Friday, August 05, 2005

The New Apathy

The New Apathy started at 10:30 Eastern time on November 2nd 2004. I decided that if the rest of the country doesn't care enough to look for the truth and question their government then I certainly wasn't going to care anymore. When Bush won reelection it affirmed to me that the country's problems were so out of control that I could either go crazy over it or just stop caring. I chose the latter. However, I reserve the right to stay informed if I so desire and occasionally care about something if it doesn't interfere with my own personal well-being, happiness, or pursuit of property.

We have open admission in The New Apathy, you need only care enough to realize it doesn't matter anyway. Sort of the way Humphrey Democrats did in the 60's, which is why they all became yuppies.


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